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This content allows you to enjoy the results of a program analyzing your personality and values. By answering various prepared questions, you will be presented with result pages. Firstly, please proceed to the question page from the entrance that says "To the question page" located below.

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Illustration of the man to guideThe power to maintain a relationship, the power to be natural when approaching, the power to convey your feelings... This content grades your love compatibility from various perspectives and outputs it as a report card. This is a love diagnosis. Even those who have no experience in love can certainly play.

Please give it a try with a relaxed attitude. And once the result comes out, let's share it with someone.

Sample of results Light bulb iconThere are many questions, but please understand that this is because it is high in accuracy and volume.

Light bulb iconBy preparing the diagnosis results for two people, you can conduct a compatibility diagnosis for those two people.
>> Here is the compatibility diagnosis.

Light bulb iconYou can play this diagnosis for free.

To the question page >> Here is the compatibility diagnosis.