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tips_and_updatesDon't try to produce good results. Please try to answer honestly and intuitively, without showing off or being humble.
Please enter your name. It will be used to display the diagnostic results.

workspacesPlease do not enter your real name that can identify you.
Please enter your gender.

workspacesGender is used for reference when diagnosing.
Please enter your date of birth.
Year Month Day
workspacesThis will be used to calculate your age. It's okay to enter an approximate figure.
Q.Do you prefer celebrating other people's birthdays and making them happy, or being celebrated yourself? Please choose only one that is closest to how you feel from the following.

Q.Please select all of the options that apply to you from the next choices.

Q.Please select all the following options that apply to you. Do not select ones that you consider debatable.

Q.Please select all of the options that apply to you from the next choices.

Q.If you could only choose between a technical or artistic job, which would you choose?

Q.Please select all of the options that apply to you from the next choices.

No more input is required.
Please proceed to the diagnostic results.